From the average Joe/Jane to the competitive athlete and EVERYONE in between(MAXIMIZE YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL)
Join a Fitness Session
Designed with you in Mind, Body, & Soul
Recently, there has been a surge in popularity for Endurance Training, and there is a good reason for it! There’s no better way to develop strength, flexibility, and balance than through this method. Let me help you improve your fitness and overall health in a safe and energizing way.
If you’re looking for a new and exciting approach to health and fitness, then you might be interested in my Weight Training session. This is for individuals who want to learn how to push themselves to, and beyond, their physical and mental limits. Weight Training is a great addition to a healthy fitness plan.
There is no better way to get those important muscles working than to engage in this method. Want to see maximum and efficient results? Then sign up for a session today. Designed to improve strength, coordination, and well-being, this class is guaranteed to take your fitness to the next level.
I believe living a healthy lifestyle begins with maintaining a strong and fit body. My aim is to help you identify your fitness goals, design an exercise program that fits your needs, and guide you through every exercise, every workout. My holistic approach to fitness and health will have you feeling great and seeing results in no time.
The unique program I’ve developed will help burn calories, boost the metabolism, and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises as well as a healthy diet will have you in tip top shape.
Tired of sitting all day in the office? Do your body a favor and get your blood pumping. Health and fitness is as much about what your body looks like on the outside as it is about how it functions on the inside. Your heart is a muscle, too, and my workouts will get your heart-rate up. Your body will thank you for it!
Whether you’re training to lose weight or just want to trim and tone, my program will help improve your fitness and have you feeling great. You’ll see an improvement in your performance in no time.
It’s easier than you think to change your life. Just pick up the phone and let’s get going on the road to a fitter future.
Check Out My Testimonials
"This was me a few years ago. I weighed in at 252lbs! I wore an size 32 in jeans, XL in shirts, and couldn't wear my converse longer than an hour!!! I now weigh 169lbs, the smallest pair of jeans I have are a size 5, XS in shirts, and I can now even run in my converse!!! I want to thank Jesus Chavez Jr. and Tony-Cynthia Salas for that dumb competiton (well it was dumb at the time haha) about who could lose the most weight. If it wasn't for that, I probably be close to 300lbs or worse. I'm so active now that I find it very hard to stay still. I have to get up from my desk every hour and just walk around the office or stretch. I learned so much about myself when I trained with you and I saw a difference in my body, whether it was getting more muscle definition, being able to go longer and faster, or just doing something I never thought I could do. You all pushed me and brought out the best in me. I hope to train with you again in the future (just need to recover from some injuries ^_^). Last but not least I want to thank God, my family and friends for all the support. My life has changed dramatically and I don't think I would want it any other way. Working out is my addicition and it's not just a temporary fix, it's a lifetime change. My next goal is to lose another 15-20lbs and I'll be exactly where I want to be !!! Again, thank you all for the support and love!!!"
- Sami Contreras Smith
Samantha Contreras
👆🏾This is my 8 month Transformation leading up to the NPC National Qualifier Supplement Xpress Championships👆🏾
Chris Pedroza
Meet Gabby,
Started with me a year ago and here is where her stats stand.
She lost 3 dress sizes.
She was a 24 pants and xxxl blouse.
Now She wears 18 pants and xl blouse.
Total weight loss 55lbs for far & MORE TO COME
Gabby said...
“Thanks peeps. 💪🏽😁🔥👊🏼 And I must also add, I avoided gastric bypass surgery, suggested by my doc, but he changed his mind! And he also changed his mind of me needing knee surgery! Thanks again Chris Assailant Pedroza”
Gabby Garcia
*I’m CELEBRATING... because for the first time in 10 years, I’m no longer OBESE!*..I’ve shared part of my journey in pieces, but today I took time to reflect on my weight loss and mental health journey in a timeline fashion..I have always known there was a close connection but I could never actually pinpoint how toxic medicine was to my life (2012-2017). 💉.I’ve struggled with my mental health, mostly depression since high school, but when I hit medical school application season time in 2011, all of a sudden intense anxiety manifested, leading my baseline unhealthy obsession with food to become insane food binges..As the stress of medical school, board exams, clinical rotations and everything mounted, I continued to come home and drown my feelings in food ballooning up to more than 300 lbs and a BMI of 45! Fatigue, chronic migraines, and musculoskeletal complaints always plagued me..After leaving my residency position in early 2017 (for a number of reasons), but my top priority being my health, I decided to focus on myself..The past year has been a journey: combatting my relationship with food, learning to embrace activity again, but mostly just loving myself through it all.❤️.✨I’ve lost 111 pounds, and 16 points off my BMI (taking me to 29 and out of the “Obese” range.)✨
How did I do it? ---No official diets. No gyms. Just a radical shift in mindset, lifestyle, and desire to live my life. --- (No that doesn't mean I don't work out or eat healthy I just stopped creating excuses for myself. While traveling now, I'll work out in the park, I shop for veggies at the market, etc).To all the people who have helped me along the way: Chris Pedroza, Mary Rowe, Ly Aunapu: thanks for helping me heal my relationship with my body and have confidence in my strength. To all my friends and family who have supported me (you know who you are!)---I love you!.I’m not ‘done’ yet but I’ve learned there is no finite end goal where I get to stop; it is a continuous journey of health I am on and I take it one day at a time.👍
Jessica Phillips
❓Have you had a baby 👶🏽 recently❓
❓Have an upcoming event to get ready for❓
❓Are you sick of trying trendy exercise programs that just won’t cut it because they don’t modify your goals, needs, and wants based on YOU as an individual❓
❓Are you STILL skeptical on what Supreme Assailant can do for you❓
❓and why is that❓
❓Because you’re still TRAPPED into your fear and doubt complex❓
❓Can’t seem to separate the business concept from me helping you versus letting go of philosophies that you haven’t woke from yet, while others who are woke know and feel on an internal and external level⁉️🤔
Michelle Atkinson
Contact Me
You’re on your way to a more fit, healthy, and strong you. Get in touch and start training today.